Dating a man in debt

dating man in debt

Dear Michelle Valentine,

I am a professional working career girl, with a great apartment and a nice car. I have a little bit of money in my savings account, and I don’t spend money foolishly.

The problem is, I’m dating a guy who is in debt. He has so many great qualities, but his money problems really scare me! Should I continue seeing him?

Andrea, Orlando

Dear Andrea,

The issue isn’t the dollar amount he has in the bank, but his attitude toward money.

Questions to ask yourself… then ask him as a casual conversation:

Is he in debt because he recently graduated from law school…

or because he just took a one-month “vacation” to the Bahamas?

Is it because he just isn’t making much money at this point in life…

or does he spend every dollar from his paycheck on partying?

Is he aspiring to have a fantastic earning…

or does he simply not have the desire to advance himself?

Delving into the money issue is not shallow; it is smart.

As the saying goes, “Money can’t buy you love, but love doesn’t pay the bills.”


What are your opinions on this subject?

What are your thoughts on dating someone in debt, when you are not?

Have you experienced this situation with a mate? If so, how did you deal with it?

I’d love to hear your responses!

Leave a comment below and let me know. Remember, do your best to share as much detail as you can because thousands of fabulous individuals come here each week for insight and inspiration.

What you have to say may just be what someone else needs to have a major breakthrough in their life!

Important: please share your thoughts and ideas directly in the comments box below.

Thank you so very much for reading, watching, commenting, and especially… sharing your personal thoughts. Your kindness and generosity are like vitamins for the heart!

With so much love and appreciation,


Michelle Valentine

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